Parade Rules & Prizes
The parade will start at 10 a.m. on September 28, 2024 on Broadway in Burlingame. Parade participants should report no later than 9:30 a.m. on the day of the parade to the parking lot next to the Pick of the Litter Thrift Shop at 1127 Chula Vista (near Broadway). The parade will start and end at this location. There is no charge to participate.
The parade will march up Broadway to Capuchino, where it will turn right and circle back down Broadway. The entire parade consists of a leisurely stroll that takes about 30 minutes. Broadway will remain closed to through traffic for another hour after the parade, when viewers and participants can enjoy music by participating bands, shop at local stores and enjoy a snack at a restaurant .
Judging will take place during and after the parade. The judges will select approximately five finalists in each category prior to and during the parade. They will make their final selection of the category winners and the Grand Prize winner immediately after the parade at the judging and review stand on Broadway at Capuchino, adjacent to the Broadway Grill.
Prizes: The first prize winner for the school float competition will be awarded $500 and the second place winner will receive $250 from the Broadway Merchants Association. All public and private schools in San Mateo County that serve students from kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible. School groups must register in advance by contacting Ayn Gilmore at AVR Realty in Burlingame at
Best Dressed Pet
Most Unusual Pet
Best Pet Trick
Best School Float
Most Original Float, Group or Wagon (non-school category).
Grand Prize Winner – also receives a special prize
A “float” can be elaborate or as simple as a decorated bicycle, wagon or kiddie car.
Only non-motorized floats are eligible and each float must include at least one pet.
No political entries are permitted
All types of pets are welcome. Children without pets are encouraged to bring stuffed animals.
Groups are encouraged to identify themselves with a banner or sign.